You can run BIAS Autoscaler on a Google Compute Engine or as a pod on Google Kubernetes Engine.
- JDK 11
- Maven 3
- Google Cloud SDK
Building From Source
To build from source, checkout the code and run:
$ mvn clean install
To run the BIAS Autoscaler, run:
$ java -jar bias-autoscaler-0.1.jar
BIAS Autoscaler will make sure the cluster has the same configuration as the property file during startup time. In the log below, you can see that BIAS Autoscaler scales out two instances during the startup since the cluster had less instances than the minimum defined.
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Micronaut (v2.4.1)
18:08:17.658 [main] INFO i.m.context.env.DefaultEnvironment - Established active environments: [prod]
18:08:19.774 [main] WARN c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Running startup check on cluster
18:08:23.431 [main] WARN c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Scaling out BURSTABLE instance
18:08:27.230 [main] WARN c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Scaling out REGULAR instance
Execution Log
BIAS Autoscaler will log evey action it performs. Below you can find a single run where BIAS Autoscaler reads all metrics, calculates the future demand, and scales out the cluster.
01:49:20.835 [scheduled-executor-thread-4] INFO c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Running the scheduler for the Autoscaler
01:49:23.045 [scheduled-executor-thread-4] INFO c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Arrival Rate: 1145 req/min
01:49:23.046 [scheduled-executor-thread-4] INFO c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - CPU of BURSTABLE: 45.54%
01:49:23.046 [scheduled-executor-thread-4] INFO c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - CPU of REGULAR: 66.42%
01:49:23.046 [scheduled-executor-thread-4] INFO c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Predicted REGULAR = 2
01:49:23.046 [scheduled-executor-thread-4] INFO c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Predicted BURSTABLE = 2
01:49:24.376 [scheduled-executor-thread-4] INFO c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Current REGULAR = 1
01:49:24.376 [scheduled-executor-thread-4] INFO c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Current BURSTABLE = 1
01:49:24.376 [scheduled-executor-thread-4] WARN c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Updating CPU utilization of IG instance-group-burstable to 1.0
01:49:26.538 [scheduled-executor-thread-4] WARN c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Scaling out REGULAR instance
01:49:29.607 [scheduled-executor-thread-4] WARN c.j.autoscaler.Orchestrator - Scaling out BURSTABLE instance